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moder, high spiritual vision of His precious mother.Ģ5 gret nobleth of all things makyng, great nobility of all things in their creation man makeyng, man's making, i.e., the human constitution.Ģ6 pretious asseth, precious satisfaction (see note) man, man's.ģ0 feith and trowthe, faith and truth wete His privityes, know His secrets.ģ2 ground, foundation beseekeing, beseeching.ģ9 reuland and geveand, ruling and giving.Ĥ0 saveand and keepeand, saving and keeping.Ĥ1 cowde no letter, knew no letters, could not read or, possibly, did not know Latin.Ĥ3 mende of, attention to, understanding, realization.Ĥ5 methought, it seemed to me sume feleing in, some feeling of.ĥ4-55 sekenesse so herde as to deth, a deathly sickness.ħ4 wened not a levyd, believed I would not live langorid, languished.ħ7-78 me lekid to levin for, it gave me pleasure to live for.Ĩ1 methought, it seemed to me in reward of, in comparison with.Ĩ5 God will, God's will, i.e., at God's disposal durid, endured.Ĩ6 dede fro, dead from middis, middle stered, prompted, took a notion.Ĩ7 underlenand, leaning with support from beneath.Ĩ9-90 I had sett my eyen, my eyes were fixed in the death stare.ĩ2 Methought, It seemed to me eyen, eyes sett, fixed.ĩ5 duren to loke, be able to look forth than, straight ahead rather than.ġ00 onethys, scarcely ony feleing, any feeling onde, breath.ġ10 longeing, longing (possibly belonging).ġ12 would beene a dedely man, was willing to be a mortal personġ14 rede blode trekelyn, red blood trickling.ġ15 freisly, afresh ryth, right that, when.ġ24-25 Benedicite, Domine, Blessed be Thou, Lord.ġ27 reverend and dredfull, revered and awe inspiring homley, intimate, familiar (see note) synfull creture liveing, sinful creature living.ġ29 of fends or I dyed, by fiends before I died.ġ31 enow, enough ya, yeah, indeed leving, living ageyn, against.ġ46 wrappeth.

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enjoyand, His blessed heart, joyful even as it is cloven in two.Ģ2-23 hey. thornys, precious crowning with thorns.Ħ onyd, joined, made one discolloureing, discoloring.ġ2 worshippfull, honorable blissed, blessed.ġ6 ghostly, spiritual arn, are also sekirly, as securely.ġ8 likeing, pleasure, gratification of the herde, because of the hard.Ģ0 solacid and myrthid, comforted and made happy whan, when fullhede, fulfillment, fullness.Ģ1-22 His blissefull. THE SHEWINGS OF JULIAN OF NORWICH: FOOTNOTES 2 Off, Of.ģ pretious.

Revelation online anime faces